Sunday, August 19, 2012

Zzzzzzz (or how i finally got some rest)

So, the boy's employer was nice enough to allow him to work from home a couple of times a month. Soon it'll be down to only once a month (how will i cope?) and then after a little while it'll stop altogether (cue sounds of crying), but at least for the rest of the month, I get to have him stay home - usually on Fridays - which allows me to mostly, well, sleep :o)

Now, that's not the reason we originally requested this arrangement. Originally we thought this would be very helpful so that I could go to doctor's appointments and such without having to drag the baby with me. Particularly since my dentist is in Manhattan (in the Chrysler building no less - such cool views as you're getting your skull drilled into) and the thought of dragging F. with me is not such a welcome thing. Besides, who'd watch the baby while I was getting my teeth bored into?

Anywho, that was the original reason for having this set up and we have on occasion done just that. I needed to go to the doctor, and so the boy would watch F. while i went off to do whatever needed to be done. But mostly, it's become Mama-in-Training's resting day. When I take a whole lot of sleep deprivation and try to catch up on all of it on a bi-monthly Friday. F.'s Papa will take over and watch her as I sleep until noonish and then try to rejoin the ranks of the conscious (OK, semi-conscious) human race.

And so it came to be this past Friday. Aaaaaah! That was nice :o)
I believe F. mostly behaved, although i do remember hearing some grumblings. But they were minor ones. At some point during the day i was even able to go outside and check out my other little growing things.

First rose from my newest rosebush. Unfortunately i did not capture it at its' bloomiest, but i still think it's perty :o)

Not sure what this is. It kind of just showed up in this pot. I'd planted something
else in it and then this little one started to pop up. The Big Mama (my mama)
said not to yank it out and here it is in all its' pink cuteness.

Didn't even know this particular plant produced flowers until i spotted these. Squeeee! for nature!

Stinkiest plant in the world, but the flowers are pretty.

Carrots! I'm growing carrots on my back porch! And they actually seem to be doing OK.

Second blooming of my first rosebush...which is coming along so well.
And the Big Mama didn't want me to prune it :P

And this is my sad, sad ivy. Why is it sad? Because even though it looks pretty healthy and I've had it for a while
it doesn't seem to grow beyond this. Any gardeners out there have any suggestions?

I have quite a few other planties growing out there (including the planter of death. Anything i plant in there is dug up by the resident squirrel. I love the bugger, but come'on!), but these were looking particularly happy on Friday.

After this, the day kind of flew by and by the time the Big Mama came by to pick up F. for the evening, I really didn't want the baby to go. But the Big Mama looooves having the baby over and we had somewhere to go on Saturday, so i reluctantly handed F. over.

Saturday was therefore, pretty F. free. The boy and I went to see 'War Horse' at Lincoln Center in New York City.

Btw, if there's a production of it anywhere near where you live, do go and see it. It's one of the most wonderful theater experiences I've ever had....even if the particular actor playing the human lead was atrocious.

Side note: If your character is supposed to be 14, 16, 18 in your play, maybe don't get an adult to play him. Particularly if the adult thinks that playing a 14 year old boy, means he has to speak like a 5 year old - 'Gee, golly!'

But the horses (and all the other human characters) were amazing as well as the whole production of it - lighting, sound, the whole thing. Just superb.

One thing i did notice (and keep on noticing whenever i get the chance) is how skewed the audience age for any theater production tends to be. There were basically only tourists and elderly people when we went to see it. Granted it was a matinee, but I've seen this at nightly performances as well. I know there are some discounts for younger people, but either our local youth don't know about it, or it's not enough. I know I've looked into it for me and i no longer qualify for any discounts. This doesn't however mean that I've suddenly increased my income for the year. It'd be great if there were more ways to get discounted tixs for those that maybe have outgrown the youthful prices but not the youthful income.

Oh, and this came in the mail on Friday:

How lovely is this? I loved the poem, and the little stamps and the big stamps :o)

Off to work on a multitude of projects.
What's this you say about resting on Sundays? Er...not in this household ;o)

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