Friday, August 17, 2012

The good news...

Is that I did sleep. I slept relatively well on Tuesday night and woke up positively refreshed on Wednesday....OK, that's a bold-faced lie. I've never in my life woken up without grumbling and I've certainly never felt 'refreshed'.

Morning person I am not.
But once I woke up, I never felt the need to nap, I never spontaneously fell into a coma on the couch at 2 pm, and I wasn't so tired I could barely pick up F....
So that's my idea of refreshed I guess.

But see that was bad. My body tricked my mind into thinking that our sleeping patterns were back to normal. But then Wednesday night came around, and seeing as I'd apparently slept well the night before, it meant I could now stay up until.. FOREVER! Or so it felt like.

The good thing is I got a few things done on Wednesday that I'd been meaning to.

Like this:

Little care package to send to a new Taiwanese pen-pal -
notice the teeny-tiny little envelopes with a ribbon around them?

Aren't they just adorable?
Btw, in case you're wondering about those tiny envelopes...That's what happens when you buy a Japanese envelope template from the internets and don't check the measurements.

And this:

Bunch of gigantic Wallace and Gromit envelopes

And yet more of these:

Pretty Picturesque Portuguese Envelopes -
you thought i was going to say postcards didn't you?

I even managed to finally pack up a whole bunch of F.'s clothes to send on to my friend who's just had triplets. It was tough to send off some of the adorable onesies that F. wore. But she's outgrown them and we have a small place, so...
Of course, the boy has already squirreled away at least 1 or 2 outfits that he just couldn't part with, sentimental Papa that he is.

I also managed to write up a few postcards for Postcrossing. Why yes, I am currently obsessed, why do you ask?

And F. did a new thing on Wednesday.
While I was sorting through her clothes in her bedroom, I set up the wee one in her chair in the living room, facing me through the open doorway. And then I had to get something in the room that put me out of her range of sight.

Once she saw me again, she let out the biggest guffaw imaginable. Apparently the simple act of disappearing briefly from her sight and reappearing soon after was the funniest thing she'd ever seen. Well, I'm not one to waste a good laugh, so of course I then proceeded to repeat what I'd inadvertently done ad nauseum. And it was the best! Really. There's nothing like getting your baby to laugh hysterically. Pretty much better than almost anything in the world. And I usually have to work hard at it.

F. is a demanding customer. There are ad-libbed songs involved, various accents, crazy sounds, incredibly goofy and complicated facial expressions...
A Mama-in-training works hard for that smile. But not on Wednesday. All I had to do was briefly step away...and then return. That was a pretty good day.

But then Wednesday night came, and no sleep with it. Although in my sleep's defense, the massive amount of free kindle books on Amazon didn't help.

The baby was a bit restless (yes, yes, I know she should be in her own room by now, but it's all the way over on the opposite side of the apartment, so it's hard. We will do it, of course, but it'll probably be another couple of weeks. Really. I promise.), so that kept me up. And then I figured out where all the free kindle books were...and I shopped, and shopped, and shopped some more.

I even managed to scare the usually comatose husband. He woke briefly during the night and asked me what I was doing. I told him I'd just bought 25 books on Amazon :o)
I think he actually properly snapped up for a moment. I did explain that they were all free, so he fell back into his deep coma.

25?? You're saying.
That's crazy!

Er, that's how many I'd 'bought' up to that point. I think I might have broken the 50 mark before my body finally shut down around 4:10 am.
What can I say? A girl does not live on bread and water alone. A free digital copy of 'Innocents Abroad' is also quite nourishing. As well as 49 other friends for it.

Going to sleep at such a time does not make for the best of next mornings. So not too surprisingly, today was kind of crap. The baby was good enough to let me sleep until about 11 (Papa had taken care of her first bottle and diaper change before heading to work) and I then proceeded to sleepwalk through the rest of the day, while watching a whole lot of Louie which is my current program obsession du jour. Honestly, if you haven't watched it, just stop reading this and get some through Netflix or through your on demand cable or satellite network. This post will still be here when you get back.

The rest of the day is pretty much a blur. I remember the boy lulling F. to sleep by dancing with her to The Hives. We have a strange kid ;o)
Coming up with another nickname for the baby - Grumblix - whom I believe will soon be a new character in the Asterix comic books and getting a pretty sweet card from China in the mail with a poem on it :o)

And now here I am at 2:30 am still awake. Let's put that to a stop, shall we?
Good night!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hey, where are MY Gromit envelopes?!? Or alternatively, some Liverpool FC ones would be great too...

      We have to add The Jam to F's favourite artists. It only took her five songs to fall asleep and she's currently blissfully snoozing to 'Saturday's Kids'. Before she went asleep, she told me that she gives The Jam 8 droopy eyes out of 10. However, her beloved Hives get a full 10 out of 10. Only took two songs this morning to knock her out...

      (I had to delete the first post because I missed about six words out of the middle of a sentence. Oops.)

    2. Do you have an old Liverpool FC calendar I could use? No? Then :P
