Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Sleep...need sleep

Or pretty much how my days of late have been arranged.

Don't get enough sleep at night because...
  1. Baby F. ends up on her belly and I'm yanked from my slumber to move her
  2. Cats attempt to destroy one of the many boxes of things to be put away which are conveniently right outside our bedroom
  3. Apartment makes weird shifting noises
  4. Squirrel, possibly raccoon, having mid-summer party in the attic
  5. Hubby shifts imperceptibly while in bed and therefore wakes me
  6. and on and on and on
All of this waking up is keeping me from...well, sleeping. So i sleep for 2 or 3 hours, and then have to wake up because the baby's up. Because even though I've tried really, really hard, i can't seem to get any of the 3 cats to feed or change her. Grumble, grumble, ungrateful cats...

So then I'm not at my best and am constantly trying to steal some sleep here and then. 'Baby seems to have momentarily closed her eyes after drinking her bottle?' Nap time for me!

But that doesn't really tend to work, seeing as i don't think one can survive on 5 minute naps alone...even if one takes 20 of them.

So we'll see how tonight goes, if I'm able to get to sleep and then stay asleep. I'll keep you all posted.

As for F., well she was pretty good today. Actually she's pretty good any day of the week, but she has been a bit grumbly of late. So much so, that we've taken to calling her 'Grumbledor'. A really bad day is when she alternates being a Grumbledor with sounding like a Pterodactyl. Never thought a baby could sound like an extinct flying dinosaur?
Trust me, if there was a category in America's Got Talent for best Pterodactyl imitation by a baby, F. would have it in the bag.

So in between 5 minute naps (although i did get about a 90 minute one at some point - the baby gods were sweet upon me today), we did some playing and some sneaking of television watching. I watch, I set up F. to face me in her little chair and then she proceeds to crane her neck to try and watch whatever inappropriate stuff it is that I'm attempting to watch.

Our wi-fi seems to be taking a holiday on some distant shore, which means our Netflix is down. So instead of some fine educational documentaries, we ended up watching an episode of John Oliver's New York Stand-Up Show, which was, not very surprisingly, hilarious. The one 'we' watched featured Wyatt Cenac, which is another one of my faves.

I also managed at some point today to finish reading How Not to Run a B&B . I picked this up a few weeks ago, 1. because i had a credit on amazon i needed to use, and 2. because the hubby and i have been considering opening up our own B&B abroad.

That probably won't happen for a while mainly because, oh what was the reason, oh right, we're broke, but it was still good to read about one person's experience running one. There are however quite a few things wrong with this little book - rugs are Oriental, not people, spell-check is our friend, proof-reading in general is really our best friend - but i still found it an amusing read.
And it proved that i could actually read an entire book using the kindle app on my iPad which i didn't honestly think was possible.
It still hasn't won me over as I'm a touchy-feely kind of gal - touch the paper, feel the cover - but it was different and not bad different.

And i managed to finish making some homemade envelopes. I always save my old calendars so i can then make kooky envelopes out of the large images. I have a new pen-pal to write to (through Postcrossing) and i thought she'd get a kick out of a Wallace and Grommit envelope. I'll post a pic here tomorrow of the finished product.

OK, time to attempt some sleep again. Wish me luck!

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