Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Onwards and forwards

So F. and moi (and at least two of the cats*) had a lovely time with our guests on Monday. My friend P. went on about how calm the baby was...until they left of course.
And then all hell broke loose.

F.'s schedule was thrown off a bit and she wanted her meals dammit...all at once. So we had a bit of a hissy fit for a couple of hours. Thankfully her Vóvó (Big Mama) came by and soothed her a bit so I could have a teeny break.

And it looks like F. is finally starting to put some weight on her legs. Big Mama is apparently having her stand up quite a bit to strengthen those incredibly chubby legs (her rolls have rolls) and I've started to do the same. Her default position is still to go limp, but she's stood up a couple of times, which I'm pleased with.

The rest of the evening was spent not trying to fall asleep too early (and so therefore throw off my sleep again) and watching Copper, a new series on BBC America (we'd taped it the night before). Not sure how I feel yet about the show. One thing I do know is that I can't stand the sets. Too much reliance on crappy post-production work. Whatever happened to making some good, realistic-looking miniatures? The show has spent enough money on adverts in places like Gothamist, maybe they should've saved some of that money for the making of the actual show.

This kind of thing takes me out of the period, so I found it hard to appreciate the plot and acting when I'm still tutting the lack of ambiance. I'll watch the second episode next Sunday and see if it's worth following.

Most of Tuesday was spent trying to gather up enough energy to work on a couple of projects, but alas it was not to be. I did eventually manage to write up some Postcrossing postcards, but that was pretty much the extent of my accomplishments for the day :o(

Here's a particularly beautiful one that showed up in my mailbox yesterday :o)

The message was soo cute. "You are a woman, you like to read, you've got a child - that's why you get this postcard from me." :D

Oh, I did watch something pretty execrable and need to share it with the world. Last week I'd watched the premiere episode of Gallery Girls (btw, how long did it take them to come up with that name? I'm a huge fan of alliteration, but really? Sigh.) and found it pretty bad. But I wanted to make sure to watch another episode to make sure it really was as bad as it seemed.

Yeah, it was worse.

I know editing is everything in reality shows, blah, blah, blah. But could they have found any more vapid young women than these? It kind of hurt to watch it, particularly when one of the less hateful ones gets an internship purely because she has a rich daddy whom the gallery owner wants to impress. Who once she has the job, refuses to do anything involving 'manual' know, like moving a small painting from one place to another.
Sigh to the googleplex.

Once upon a time I wanted to work in a gallery, with the hope of then turning that experience into a position at a museum. I really, really hope that they just managed to get the worst people to be in this show and that those decent people that actually work in the industry wouldn't  be caught dead in this crappy Bravo show.

And because I apparently don't have enough to fill my time with, I'll be starting a couple of other online projects within the next couple of weeks. Stay tuned :o)

*One cat never deigned to join the party (even though the laser bird made an appearance) and so missed out on all the festivities.

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