Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Here goes nothing. My first post.
Everyone says that when you have a baby, time just flies by. Next thing you blink and they're off to college, married and with children of their own.

OK, sure.

But here's my reality.

I look to my right - where my 6-month-old is currently sitting on her wee chair attempting to stuff both her pacifier (sideways) *and* her Sheepy* (stuffed sheep) into her mouth, while often sounding like a pterodactyl - and wonder that she's not at least 12 months, heck 18 months even.
Time drags. Weeks blink by, I'll freely admit, but each day is loooong.
(cue pterodactyl noises)

F. is lovely, all that I'd ever hoped for and didn't even know I'd wanted. But it's still hard and it's still long. Did i mention long? ;o)
But like i said, weeks do blink by and i wanted to make sure that I actually kept some sort of record of this time. Both for F.'s sake, so she can read what she was like at this age and for my own sake, so i don't look back in a few years and just remember some sort of baby-centric cultural wasteland, i.e. whatever did i do with myself all while F. was very wee?

I could've just kept a private diary in my own mac, or heck, even took pen to paper and wrote down the damn thing. But i know myself, and i know all my procrastination tricks - i *have* lived with myself for a while now after all - so i thought I'd try something that'd keep me honest, a blog that will remind me to write things down. Mind you, although i call this a diary and it is public, i won't be putting down actual personal details on here, so if that's the kind of titillation you're looking for, then keep on moving ;o)

I do however promise to post about what the baby was up to on any given day, how i reacted, what i tried to do, and also anything else that i was up to on that day - books read, projects worked on, etc, et al, you get the idea.

Hopefully it'll be interesting, or entertaining, or informative. We'll see :o)

*Yeah, i know. Sheepy the sheep, highly original. You try to come up with individual names for toys and remember them all :P
As a child, i resorted to writing my dolls' names on their forehead with a marker so i could keep them straight. I was never too good with names.


  1. It's good you're doing this because the early years do go by really, really fast. It might not seem like it but you'll see for yourself. Not to mention, it does start getting foggy as more time goes by. Or maybe sleep deprivation contributes to the fogginess of it all. I'll be coming back to read your blog as time allows. Although my boys are older than F., I am still quite popular. They can't go five minutes without yelling out "MAMA" for any number of reasons. Also, I never volunteered to be a referee but here I am breaking up fights all the time. I wear many hats and they're never the correct size :-)

    1. I'm trying to remember as much as I can. Even with this platform, I find myself forgetting half of what she does before I even have a chance to write it down. Hopefully i'm remembering enough to keep this a good record of this time.

      I always wish i'd been a better diary keeper as a kid. I'd start them and then forget them for weeks and months. I do wish i'd written more as a child, so since F. can't do it for herself as of yet, i'm hoping this will help.

      And thanks so much for your readership. I hope some of what i write will resonate with what you remember from when your boys were smaller.
