Wednesday, September 12, 2012


The last few days have been short in events and productivity, but chock-a-block full of little baby steps.
Not literal ones, baby F. is not quite ready for that as of yet ;o)

But of course that doesn't mean that Miss F. hasn't been up to stuff.

I've slowly come to the realization that we don't have anything to fear from a coming horde of zombies bound to eat our brrrrrains!
Instead we should concentrate more of our defense funding in trying to figure out a way to stop babies from being cannibals. That's right, you heard me right.

Cannibal Babies.

How else to explain what happened last week?
Baby F. and moi were enjoying some big bed time. That's when i set up a fort - made up of a perimeter of pillows and in this particular case, my own legs - and let F. twirl her way around our bed. She can't quite manage to sit up unpropped and she can't quite crawl yet, but she's becoming a master twirler, rolling around back and forth like a maniac.

On this one occasion, she twirled her way over to my legs, which as i said, were at the time being used as part of a human fence, trying to keep baby F. from tumbling her way down to the floor...'cause she's already done that before, but from the couch. That was a great day :/

Anywho, she managed to twirl her way over to my legs...and then proceeded to latch on to one of them with her gummy jaw. As if being chewed on by an over eager, 'going-to-have-teeth-any-day-now' baby wasn't painful/weird enough, she then starts to hum as she's doing it. 'Cause apparently while attempting to eat your own Mama, you should have a song both in your heart and in your throat.

So yeah, let's do a Kickstarter on Humming Cannibal Babies and how to prevent this plague upon our race ;o)

And now a short pause for Hurrah for Genetics!

Some of you who know me IRL might know that I have all sorts of crazy sleep issues. I mean, at the moment, I mostly have 'lack-of-sleep' issues, but I am a poster child for sleeping disorders.
You know that film 'Sleepwalk with Me' that just came out? You don't? Because it's only playing in one theater? Well, it is being offered on demand, so maybe you can watch it at home. I didn't think it was that great, actually, but hey, it establishes what I'm about to discuss.

Like i was saying, you know that film 'Sleepwalk with Me'?
Well, I'm not quite that bad. I've never jumped out of a building, or wandered naked down a hall. I don't actually act out my dreams...which would be so freaking weird as most of them involve some sort of apocalyptic event. They'd be like something out of 'The Road'...except worse.
I have a weird brain.

But i have been known to talk in my sleep, either in Portuguese (my mother tongue) or in just outright nonsense. I also have night terrors, which usually involve some unknown evil force hovering in the room, from which I'll wake up screaming. Fun, fun, times for my husband.

They can be cute though. I once urgently woke up Papa-in-Training to tell him that there were some Sugar-Gliders over by our bedroom window. You know, as one does. I always remember that one because it was so specific. I mean, if you know me, you know i love squirrels (even if at present, I've wagered a small, mostly one-sided war with my resident 4th floor porch squirrel). But Sugar-Gliders? Pretty specific.

Anyway, all this is to tell you that I do crazy things in my sleep. Some even crazier than the ones mentioned above. But nothing dangerous and yes, I have done a sleep study, thanks for asking.
It was too much to ask of course that my baby would not do these same crazy things in her sleep. That her sleep would only be interrupted by marauding kitties using her bedroom as a hiding place or other such ambient noises. What, you don't have marauding kitties as ambient noises in your house? How dull ;o)

I spotted it almost from the beginning. Within days of being home, I woke up to her moaning in her sleep. I thought, 'Well, that's not good. She can't even speak yet, and is already talking in her sleep.' 
She still does that a bit, but i haven't noticed it as much.
What does she do instead?

Laughs in her sleep :D

Actually, out loud laughs.
She'll get a little smile at first and then cracks up.

Now this is the kind of sleep issue i can get behind. I try and imagine what it is that's making her laugh out loud. I like to think she's dreaming of me or Papa-in-Training playing with her and making her giggle. Of one of my funny faces. Or of us head banging, which she just adores. Who knew I'd be rocking out so much once she was born?

So yes, i have a sleeping laughing baby. Best kind of baby there is :o)

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