Thursday, September 6, 2012

An apple a day and all that...

I didn't want this to turn into a weekly diary. I mean, the definition of a diary is right in the word: diary = daily.

Well, I guess life gets in the way, etc, etc. Which I hate really. Just a bunch of excuses. You either do it or you don't. The whole purpose of this is to keep a record of baby F.'s early life and how I'm handling it. If I'm writing it down a week after it happened, then I'm not really giving an accurate representation and then what's the point.

So my new school year resolution (does anyone else - without kids and out of school - still think of September as a new beginning?) is to well, actually write on here daily. Even if just a short note. Because that is after all the point of this exercise ;o)

F. was in top form yesterday. Me, not so much. Been feeling a little strange and so asked her Vôvô to come on over and keep both of us company. Just wanted another adult around.
Vôvô duly came by in the afternoon and both baby and moi were happy. Moi for knowing that there was someone there to watch F. if I should feel more poorly and F. because, well, isn't it obvious?


Vôvô dotes madly upon baby F. and she dotes right back. They have silly conversations about her being the queen of babies and him being a mere ogre and serf-like creature (I am not making this up) :o)

And she smiles and babbles like mad at all the attention given to her, 'cause let's face it, I'm not speaking to her about serfs and queens 24/7 like Vôvô does.

So, my physical day not so great, but mine and F.'s overall day was pretty fab.

And last week, Thursday to be precise, we went to her monthly doc visit. Which went well...and not so well.

She's fine. That part was the well part. Developing as she should, growing like a weed - 18 lbs and counting, at a little less than 7 months at the time of her visit and with a head circumference in the 97th+ percentile. For those without wee babes, that means that her head is bigger than 97+ percent of babies her age. We'd never had the + before, but hey, she does have a huge head. Then again so do her parents, so not really a surprise there ;o)

And her hearing is great as well. We had some doubts because the hospital where she was born was unable to get an accurate result when they measured her soon after birth and I thought maybe she wasn't responding as well as she should to our voices. So the doctor had told me during the previous visit to remind them to do the test this time. So again, all good there.

The not so well part comes with everything else regarding the visit.

Now, we don't make appointments at the last minute. So far, we've been lucky and have only had to see F.'s doctor for wellness visits - shots and the like. So all our appointments are made a month in advance. Yet again and again, F. and I (and usually her Vôvô too) will sit there for 90+ minutes waiting to be seen. This is understandable if emergencies have come in, but when you look around and see a whole bunch of healthy kids there for their wellness visits too...
Well, that's when you start to get annoyed. What is the point of making appointments when it all ends up being first come, first served?

And then as if all that waiting wasn't enough, they expect me to undress F. in the consultation room and keep her undressed for far too long while either a Physician's Aide or the doctor finally remembers she's there.
I was particularly put off by the fact that a family that arrived after us, ended up being seen before baby F. They  (3 kids) were called right after F., but because the Aide ended up being super slow with her measurements, they ended up being seen (all 3!) by the doctor before us.
Was so mad.

Plus I'm starting to wonder if maybe I need to find a new doctor for F. The mother and daughter practice she now goes to are professional enough, but I don't get any warm fuzzies from them, and well, I kind of want that from a pediatrician. I want to feel like they really like children and I'm not getting that vibe. And maybe it's just my first time mama's nerves, but I usually end up feeling like I'm bothering them when I ask my monthly visit questions. I'm not one of these mamas who's calling up their pediatrician for every little thing their baby does. That's perfectly fine for those that do, but it's just not something I do. Which makes me feel even stranger when I get dismissive responses to little questions that I might have. So I'm taking some notes and if both the ridiculous waiting *and* dismissiveness keep on happening, then maybe it'll be time to move on to a new doc.

More on last week, to come...

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