Friday, September 7, 2012

Captain Hook Jr.

So yesterday our routine was turned a little upside down in the morning.

Usually, Papa-in-Training changes and feeds baby F. her first bottle of the day, allowing me an extra hour of sleep or so. Because i always invariably end up sleeping less during the night. Either because some health issue has kept me up or the cats or the baby or who knows what else. Meanwhile PIT (Papa-in-Training) will fall asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow...and sometimes even before it. And will pretty much sleep through anything during the night, up to and including smoke alarms. So yeah, i get an extra little sleep :o)

But yesterday was different. We'd made a couple of book sales through our Amazon Seller Account and sort of, kind of, hadn't gotten around to finding the books or packing them up. So once we realized this (right before falling asleep of course), we figured out he'd look for the books in the morning and I'd feed the baby, so he wouldn't be late to work and we'd maintain our book selling reliability.

And so whilst still very groggy, i get handed a newly changed but yet to be fed hungry, hungry hippo...i mean, baby.

Then i notice a weird stain on her PJ's. A bit brownish but all the way on her chest. Hmm, couldn't be poop. Even baby poop can't quite manage to migrate to a baby's chest...i think.
Could it be blood? But where the heck would it come from? Let's check the baby.


Baby F.'s left thumb was all cut up. The sole of it was shredded. I go into 'i'm-terrified-of-blood-usually-but-i-snap-out-of-it-in-actual-emergencies'* mode and clean it up as best as possible and apply the smallest bandage i have...

And then i realize, er, she's going to eat the bandage if i just leave it like this.

What to do? What to do?

Ta Da!

Witness the brilliance of a bachelor sock with a bachelor bootie. Et voilá!

Yes, that is her left arm and hand, not a horribly distorted leg. Don't let the bootie fool you ;o)

She pretty quickly figured out how to get rid of the bootie.
But the sock stayed on all of yesterday.
And then we changed it last night and the new sock has stayed on all of today.

Still not sure how she managed to shred her thumb. She has done this before, but to one of her toes, so I'm guessing she scratched herself with her crazy kitty-like claws...'cause she won't let us clip them!

Crazy, crazy Captain Hook baby.

*I fully realize this did not actually count as a full-fledged emergency. I just meant i'm a wuss but am usually pretty good in emergencies - unless they involve getting anything stuck in an eye...then you're on your own.

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