Monday, January 27, 2014

The Bear

I’ve alluded in a previous post about certain events keeping me from actually doing any writing about Toddler F. 

This is meant to be a record of my everyday memories of F. so if something happens which doesn’t affect her, then there is no need for me to write about it here.

But a couple of things happened which did directly impact her. And I think I should write about them so that one day when she is older, she’s able to read this and know about someone who cared about her. 

Today I’d like to talk about S.

S. was my friend, a lovely young woman whom I’ve known since 2006 - about 7 years or so. We first met at a karaoke session arranged by our mutual friend A., where I came to meet quite a few other people who would all become very good friends of mine. 

After that session, I started to have semi-regular game nights at my apartment and S. was a constant presence in my place, always joining in in our silly games – Cranium was a favorite – and always bringing treats for all of us to share. When Papa-in-Training and I needed a letter from a good friend to prove that we were a couple – for immigration purposes – she was one of only three people we requisitioned. She was also the unofficial photographer at our City Hall wedding as well at many other of our group events and had a true eye for it.

We became closer friends through the years, particularly once we discovered our shared passion for all things cute :o) We’d go to shows - music and art - together and I thought the world of her.

Once Baby F. was born, she was one of the first persons to come and visit us. And she brought this little one along.

S. the Bear

It was the first teddy that F. received and was quickly named after Auntie S., forever being known as S. the bear (full name always).

Baby F. quickly took to Auntie S. and they became good friends.

Both Papa-in-Training and I have a fond memory of seeing S. and F. sitting and watching ‘Curious George’ on the telly, with Baby contentedly babbling her explanation of what was happening on the screen to S.
And S. kindly listening and responding to Baby F.’s quasi-questions.

Baby F. loved Auntie S. and so did we.

Unfortunately, S. was taken from us late last year and I’m afraid that Baby F. won’t remember her Auntie S. and how kind and thoughtful she was.

Baby F. often plays with S. the bear and we often repeat her name. We hope to keep her memory alive for our little girl, so someday when she’s older, she’ll remember she once had an Auntie S. who played with her, listened to her and loved her.

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