Friday, March 1, 2013

Time keeps on ticking, ticking, ticking into the future...with apologies to Steve Miller ;o)


How can it be March already? I've blinked and Christmas flew by. Then my birthday. Then Baby F.'s birthday. Then Presidents' Day.
Will I next blink and it'll be Easter?


Is it Easter already?

Did i miss it?


Everyone tells you when you're a new mom that time flies. To appreciate the baby years because they'll soon be gone and you'll have a grumpy teenager in your hands...not literally in your hands, 'cause then they'd be like Thumbelina, but i digress...

But then you actually have a baby.

And if you stay home with her as i did (no idea if the same applies for work-outside-the -home mamas), you scoff and tell them, Pshaw, I say! Pshaw, to your idea of time flying.

Because time draaaaaaaaags when you stay home with a newborn. The days go on for weeks, months even. You hope it's a Friday and realize it's only 9:30 am on Monday, so sleep-deprived and disoriented have you become.

But then something happens around month 9th or so of taking care of your newborn. And suddenly, you can't keep up with time. It flies, it gallops, it slips past you without even a 'How do you do?'

And all that slowness that you complained about almost constantly? That vague tortoise-like feeling you experienced on a daily basis? It's gone. And left in its' place is a sense of not being able to keep up, leaving things to the side, always being behind, because the days are so fast!

Of course, time is only an illusion, a man-made construct to help us organize our lives. We all know the feeling of those last 10 minutes of a class in the 6th grade - how excruciatingly long they were - and how 10 days of a wonderful vacation can feel like merely a moment. But geesh, i really wasn't expecting such a drastic change.

I'm trying as much as i can to appreciate each moment with baby F. and i think I'm managing for the most part. Ironically enough the thing that i think made the first months seem to drag so much, the lack of sleep, is still a constant in my everyday. I've always had sleep issues but they've obviously been exacerbated by having a little one that occasionally wakes up during the night.

But that's actually the funniest bit...she doesn't even wake up that often during the night. Almost not at all. And when she does, Papa-in-training is the one to soothe her 'cause i just seem to get her too excited and even more awake.

What she does do though is take long naps...on top of me. And yep, she's almost 13 months and i haven't yet managed to break her out of that habit :o(

So i end up spending upwards of 3 hours during the day sitting down without being able to move a great deal. And i don't get to do most of anything during the day...which then leads me to staying up late at night trying to catch up, to write a friend, to do some writing, to do some tidying up.

But getting back to my original thought...

Even though my sleep is still crap, suddenly the days aren't so slow anymore. And I'm not really sure why.
Until i figure out why, I'll just keep on enjoying getting to see Frida grow and learn new things.

Artwork made for our friend's birthday using Penguin cover Postcards :o)
P.S. Because i always like to have a pic of something I made/did in each post, and since he finally received it, here's one my friend took of a birthday present Papa-in-Training and moi made for him.

P.P.S. Programming note: If you like Pawn Stars at all but like your items a bit weirder and heck, even a bit scarier, then fire up your Netflix and throw Oddities in your Queue. Lovely store-owners with super eclectic tastes. I've sort of devoured most of the available episodes within the last 3 days...i did mention the whole being trapped under a baby thing, didn't i? ;o)

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