Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Afternoon at the Museum

Baby F. the art genius baby.

That's right. I said it. Genius. With a capital G.

OK, mayhaps I'm going too far. But it could happen ;o)

She has been to a museum two times now. And is only eight months old.

We took her to the Newark Museum last weekend to see Angels and Tomboys: Girlhood in 19th century American Art, which had some amazing pieces, like this hilarious one:

A Bedtime Story, 1878 - Seymour Joseph Guy

Do you see the horror in the little ones' faces? Heehee. Their sister must be telling them a scary story ;o)

There were loads more really amazing paintings as well as some striking photographs. I think some of the writing in the show left a bit to be desired, but the work speaks for itself really. If you're anywhere nearby, I'd highly recommend it...even if you were never a girl ;o)

Baby F. proved to be quite the draw while in the museum btw. As Papa-in-training and Auntie Lulu and BF were otherwise engaged using the stairs, Baby and moi had to look for various elevators. We ended up sharing one of them with a group of elderly folk. One of the gentlemen started to gush over F., although he did think she was a boy :P Such is the fate of little bald-headed baby girls whose Mamas refuse to put ribbons on their non-hair ;o)

We later encountered the same group in one of the galleries, whilst i took a photo of F. in front of a funny collage in the permanent collection. The same gentleman from before wondered whether Baby F. was going to know all about art once she grew up. I mentioned that it was her second time in the museum which delighted the kind gentlemen and his friends :o)

So like i said, Baby F., the art genius to be :o)

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